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Chapter 32 (page 160)
There can be little doubt that the pyloric sphincteric cylinder is contracted in some cases
of hiatus hernia, both in infants and in adults. It may occur in sliding, irreducible, and
combined (sliding and rolling) types of hiatus hernia. All our cases also had gastro-oesophageal
reflux. (Comment: It should
be pointed out that there is a tendency to equate persistent, symptomatic gastro-oesophageal
reflux with sliding hiatus hernia. Criteria for diagnosing a sliding hernia in
our cases was firstly, free and persistent gastro-oesophageal reflux, and secondly,
demonstration of the gastro-oesophageal junction at a higher level than normal).
In a series of 134 consecutive cases of hiatus hernia in adults we (Keet and Heydenrych l97l)
found radiographic evidence of contraction of the cylinder, to greater or lesser extent, in
14 percent. In a second series of 128 cases, contraction of the pyloric sphincteric
cylinder was seen in 28 percent. Why the incidence should differ in the two series, is not
clear; it is presumed that the criteria for diagnosing a contracted cylinder were stricter in
our first series, only cases with moderate to severe contraction being included.
Contraction of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder may vary from very severe
as in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (Fig. 32.1A), through pseudo-
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (Fig. 32.2B) to moderate and mild degrees of
contraction (Fig. 32.4B, 32.5B). A common factor in all is that
normal cyclical activity of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder, i.e. the full range of normal
rhythmical contraction and relaxation, occurring at a rate of approximately 3 cycles per
minute, is absent.
Behar and Ramsby (l978) studied the gastric emptying rate of the liquid phase of a meal,
and the fasting "antral" contractility, in 13 patients with gastroesophageal reflux and
normal controls. Gastric emptying half-time was no different from that of controls but
"antral" contractility (the number of antral contractions and the cumulative antral activity)
was lower in reflux oesophagitis patients than in controls. It was concluded that the
motility disorder in gastroesophageal reflux was not necessarily confined to the lower
oesophageal sphincter, but that it might also involve the "antrum". Hillemeier et al. (l98l)
noted delayed gastric emptying in infants with gastro-oesophageal reflux. Valenzuela et
al. (l98l) studied gastric emptying of liquids and solids by means of a double isotope
technique in l9 patients with oesophagitis and normal controls. Ten patients had delayed
gastric emptying of liquids, and 7 of solids; it was concluded that patients with
oesophagitis might have delayed gastric emptying. None of these authors based their
findings on the concept of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder.
The pathophysiology caused by contraction of the cylinder will vary, depending on the
degree of contraction. In our view this may explain some of the above findings. With
severe contraction, as in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (Fig. 32.1A) or
pseudo-hypertrophic stenosis (Fig. 32.2B), partial gastric outlet obstruction
may be expected; cases of this nature are in the minority. Most cases show mild to
moderate degrees of contraction of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder (Fig.
32.4B, 32.5B). This often results in "fixing" the pyloric aperture
in the open position, with consequent rapid or normal emptying of liquids. Diminished
cyclical activity of a partially contracted pyloric sphincteric cylinder on the other hand,
may delay the emptying of solids (Chap. 18) and hamper trituration (Chap. 18).
It is of interest to note that in animal experiments Gillison et al. (l972) found that
oesophagitis rarely occurred with reflux of pure gastric juice; when gastric juice
containing bile was allowed to reflux into the oesophagus, different degrees of
oesophagitis were produced. Stol et al. (l974) found that the concentration of bile acids
in the stomach was increased in symptomatic hiatus hernia cases as compared with
normal controls, indicating duodenogastric reflux in these cases.
Kaye and Showalter (l974) measured duodenogastric regurgitation in 10 patients with
symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux and in normal controls. After a standard liquid
meal, bile-salt concentration in aspirated gastric juice was significantly higher in patients
than in control subjects; this indicated an abnormal degree of regurgitation of duodenal
contents into the stomach in patients with symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux.
Safaie-Shirazi et al. (l975) found that the addition of bile to hydrochloric acid made the
mucosa of the oesophagus much more susceptible to inflammatory change. In their
investigations of duodenogastric reflux in cases of symptomatic gastro-oesophageal
reflux, none of these authors mentioned the possibility of a sphincteric cylinder at the
It has been shown that partial contraction of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder may fix the
pyloric aperture in the open position (Chap. 13, 27). The partially contracted cylinder, in
the absence of cyclical activity, appears to be a factor facilitating gastroduodenal reflux
(Chap. 13, 27). It is suggested that the sequence of events may be as follows: In a
certain percentage of cases of hiatus hernia (or symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux),
the pyloric sphincteric cylinder is partially contracted, fixing the pyloric aperture in the
open position. The patent aperture and the rigid, tube-like, partially contracted cylinder
facilitate duodenogastric reflux. As a consequence of duodenogastric and gastro-
oesophageal reflux, duodenal juice enters the oesophagus, producing biliary oesophagitis.
The mechanism of contraction of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder, seen in some cases of
hiatus hernia, may possibly be based on vagal stimulation. In animal experiments Bortoff
and Davids (l968) found that electrical stimulation of the cervical vagal trunks produced
effects in the gastric "antrum" and duodenum. These included a decrease in the
frequency of antral slow waves associated with an increase in their amplitude and
duration; if vagal stimulation was continued, spike potentials occurred with antral (and
duodenal) slow waves. Keet and Heydenrych (l97l) showed that electrical and
mechanical stimulation of the anterior and posterior vagi in the oesophageal hiatus of the
diaphragm caused contraction of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder; this probably occurred
via the hepatic branches of the vagus, which innervate the region of the cylinder and first
part of the duodenum (Chap. 8). It is known that owing to its wide ramification,
stimulation of the vagus may produce distant effects; one of these is the phenomenon of
earache occurring in association with hiatus hernia (Malherbe l958; Keet l968). In this
syndrome stimulation of oesophageal vagal filaments in the hiatus produces referred pain
in the external ear via the auricular branch. It is surmized that similar stimuli may
produce motor effects via the hepatic branches (Chap. 8).
The reason why there should be an association between hiatus hernia and contraction of
the pyloric sphincteric cylinder in some cases and not in others, is not known. We have
been unable to establish a clear relationship between oesophagitis and contraction of the
cylinder. In our second series of 125 cases, 15 had unequivocal oesophagitis, diagnosed
either by endoscopy or radiography, or both; of the 15 cases only 4 had contraction of
the sphincteric cylinder. The size of the portion of stomach presenting above the
diaphragm, or the extent of shift of the gastro-oesophageal junction in the hiatus,
similarly does not appear to be of consequence. Usually irreducible hernias cause a
larger portion of the stomach to present above the diaphragm than reducible (i.e. sliding)
hernias. In our series of 125 cases, 33 were irreducible hernias, with part of the stomach
permanently located above the diaphragm; of these, 9 had a contracted pyloric
sphincteric cylinder. Factors which may possibly play a role, but which have not been
investigated, are the degree of stretch of the vagi in the hiatus, the presence or absence of
peri-oesophageal inflammation, and the duration of the condition.
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