The Pyloric Sphincteric Cylinder in Health and Disease

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Chapter 14 (page 70)


  1. Blackwood WD. Pylorus identification. Gastroenterology l969, 57, 163-167.
  2. Code CF, Carlson HC. Motor activity of the stomach. In: Handbook of Physiology, Sect 6: Alimentary Canal Vol 4: Motility, edit Code CF. Amer Physiol Soc, Washington DC l968, pp 1903-1916.
  3. Cunningham DJ. The varying form of the stomach in man and the anthropoid ape. Trans Roy Soc Edinb l906, 45, 9-47.
  4. Dagradi AE. The gastric antrum and the pyloric orifice. Gastroint Endosc l969, 16, 43-44.
  5. Edwards DAW, Rowlands EN. Physiology of the gastroduodenal junction. In: Handbook of Physiology, Sect 6: Alimentary Canal Vol 4: Motility, edit Code CF. Amer Physiol Soc, Washington DC l968, pp 1985-2000.
  6. Forssell G. Über die Beziehung der Röntgenbilder des menslichen Magens zu seinem anatomischen Bau. Fortschr Geb Röntgenstr 1913, Suppl 30, 1-265.
  7. Johnson HD. The pylorus: its function and some surgical considerations. Proc Roy Soc Med l961, 54, 938-940.
  8. Kaye MD, Mehta SJ, Showalter JP. Manometric studies of the human pylorus. Gastroenterology l976, 70, 477-480.
  9. Keet AD. The prepyloric contractions in the normal stomach. Acta Rad l957, 48, 413-424.
  10. Maratka Z. Terminology, definitions and diagnostic criteria in digestive endoscopy. Scand J Gastroenterol l984, l9, Suppl 103, 31-38.
  11. Rider JA, Moeller HC, Puletti EJ. Gastroscopic observations of the dynamic anatomy of the antrum and pylorus. Gastroint Endosc l967, 14, 100- 101.
  12. Schindler R. Gastroscopic observation concerned with the gross anatomy of the stomach: the musculus sphincter antri, observation of the position of the stomach, the mucosal folds. Amer J Dig Dis l936, 3, 149-153.
  13. Torgersen J. The muscular build and movements of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Acta Rad l942, Suppl 45, 1-191.
  14. Varis K. Diabetic gastroparesis (a review). Scand J Gastroenterol l989, 24, 897-903.

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