The Pyloric Sphincteric Cylinder in Health and Disease

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Chapter 8 (page 33)


  1. Bishop AC, Polak JM, Buchan AMJ, et al. Third division of the autonomic nervous system: an important element in gut control. Gut l977, 18, A962.
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  6. Horton BT. Pyloric musculature with special reference to pyloric block. Amer J Anat l928, 41, 213.
  7. Jackson RG. Anatomic study of the vagus nerves. Arch Surg l948, 57, 333-352.
  8. Latarjet A, Wertheimer P. L'énervation gastrique. Données expérimentales. Déductions cliniques. J Méd Lyon l921, 36, 1289-1302.
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  13. Mitchell GAC. A macroscopic study of the nerve supply of the stomach. J Anat (London) l940, 75, 50-63.
  14. Rash RM, Thomas MD. The intrinsic innervation of the gastro-oesophageal and pyloro-duodenal junctions. J Anat l962, 96, 389-396.
  15. Skandalakis LJ, Gray SW, Skandalakis JE. The history and surgical anatomy of the vagus nerve. Surg Gynaec Obstet l986, 162, 75-85.
  16. Smith B. Disorders of the myenteric plexus. Gut l970, ll, 271-274.
  17. Torgerson J. The muscular build and movements of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Acta Rad l942, Suppl 45, 1-191.

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