The Pyloric Sphincteric Cylinder in Health and Disease

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Chapter 2 (page 5)

J.G. Moore et al (l986) described a midgastric transverse band in humans, which, in their view, represented an anatomic separation between the gastric reservoir (the fornix and corpus) and the antrum; the entire region between the transverse band and pylorus was considered to be the antrum. Collins et al. (1991) ascribed an important role to the transverse band in differential emptying of solids and liquids; it appeared to be responsible for the initial retention of solids. (It appears if the transverse band may correspond to the musculus sphincter antri, i.e. a loop at the termination of the oblique fibres of the muscularis externa, described by Torgersen in l942. It was also called the lower segmental loop and formed the oral boundary of the sinus.)


One has to agree with Cunningham (1906), Forssell (1913) and Torgersen (1942) that the term "antrum" has been used in many different senses, that it is ambiguous and responsible for much of the obscurity associated with the pyloric part of the stomach. For instance, a number of authors equated "antrum" with the pyloric mucosal zone (Moe et al 1965; Strickland and Mackay 1973; Polak et al. 1977; Ryston et al. 1978; Dockray 1978; Ganong 1985), yet it has been shown that this zone is not constant and may migrate up and down the stomach in cases of gastric and duodenal ulceration (Chap. 5). Tanner (1964) mentioned the "extreme variability" in the extent of pyloric mucosa. In anatomy again, it has been stated categorically that the antrum is much smaller than the pyloric mucosal zone (Gray 1973).

Numerous other examples of conflicting views have been quoted above. It seems that the antrum may be errant or wandering in more ways than one, and that for this reason it is a designation which is best avoided.


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  2. Capper WM, Butler TJ, Buckler KG, et al. Variation in size of the gastric antrum: measurement of alkaline area associated with ulceration and pyloric stenosis. Ann Surg l966, 163, 281-290.
  3. Carlson HC, Code CF, Nelson RA. Motor action of the canine gastroduodenal junction: a cineradiographic, pressure and electrical study. Amer J Dig Dis l966, ll, 155- 172.
  4. Code CF, Carlson HC. Motor activity of the stomach. In: Handbook of Physiology Sect 6: Alimentary Canal, Vol 4: Motility. Amer Physiol Soc, Washington DC l968, pp 1903-1916.
  5. Cole LG and Collaborators. Important anatomical data of the digestive tract. Radiology l932, l8, 471-520.
  6. Coller FA, Kay EB, McIntyre RS. Regional lymphatic metastases of carcinoma of the stomach. Arch Surg l941, 43, 748-761.
  7. Collins PJ, Houghton LA, Read NW, et al. Role of the proximal and distal stomach in mixed solid and liquid meal emptying. Gut 1991, 32, 615-619.
  8. Cunningham DJ. The varying form of the stomach in man and the anthropoid ape. Trans Roy Soc Edin l906, 45, 9-47.
  9. Dockray GJ. Gastrin overview. In: Gut Hormones, edit Bloom SR, Grossman MI, Churchill Livingstone, London l978, pp 129-139.
  10. Du Plessis DJ. The importance of the pyloric antrum in peptic ulceration. South Afr J Surg l963, 1, 3-11.
  11. Edwards D. Some radiological aspects of pyloric disease. Proc Roy Soc Med l96l, 54, 933-937.
  12. Edwards DAW, Rowlands EN. Physiology of the gastroduodenal junction. In: Handbook of Physiology Sect 6: Alimentary Canal Vol 4: Motility. Amer Physiol Soc, Washington DC l968, l985-2000.
  13. Forssell G. Über die Beziehung der Röntgenbilder des menschlichen Magens zu seinem anatomischen Bau. Fortschr Geb Röntgenstr l9l3, Suppl 30, 1-265.
  14. Foulk WT, Comfort MW, Butt HR, et al. Peptic ulcer near the pylorus. Gastroenterology l957, 32, 395-403.
  15. Ganong WF. Review of Medical Physiology. Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos l985, 12th Edit, p 401.
  16. Golden R. Antral gastritis and spasm. J Amer Med Assoc l937, 109, 1497-1500.
  17. Gray H. Anatomy of the Human Body. 29th American Edition, ed Goss CM. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia l973, p 1220.
  18. Gray H. Gray's Anatomy. 35th British Edition, ed Warwick R, Williams PH. Longman Co, Edinburgh l973, p 1273.
  19. Grossman MI. The names of the parts of the stomach. Gastroenterology l958, 34, 1159-1162.
  20. Ham AW. Histology. JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia l969, 7th edit, p 655.
  21. Ito S. Functional gastric morphology. In: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Ed Johnson LR, Raven Press, New York l98l, Vol 1, pp 517-550.
  22. Jenkinson EL. The pyloric antrum of the stomach. Amer J Roentgen Rad Ther l955, 73, 905-937.
  23. King PM, Adam RD, Pryde A, et al. Relationships of human antroduodenal motility and transpyloric fluid movement: non-invasive observations with real-time ultrasound. Gut l984, 25, 1384-1391.
  24. Lewis FT. The form of the stomach in human embryos with notes upon the nomenclature of the stomach. Amer J Anat l9l2, 13, 477-503.
  25. Moe RE, Klopper PJ, Nyhus LM. Demonstration of the functional anatomy of the canine gastric antrum. Amer J Surg l965, 110, 277-285.
  26. Moore KL. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Williams and Wilkins Publ, Baltimore 2nd ed, 1985.
  27. Moore JG, Dubois A, Christian PE, et al. Evidence for a midgastric transverse band in humans. Gastroenterology 1986, 91, 540-545.
  28. Müller E. Anatomischen und röntgenologischen Untersuchungen über Form, Bau und Lage des Magens. Erg Anat l921, 23, 310. Quoted by Torgersen (l942).
  29. Polak JM, Sullivan SN, Bloom SR, et al. Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the human gastrointestinal tract. Lancet l977, l, 972-974.
  30. Royston CMS, Polak J, Bloom SR, et al. G cell population of the gastric antrum, plasma gastrin, and gastric acid secretion in patients with and without duodenal ulcer. Gut l978, l9, 689-698.
  31. Spiro HM. Clinical Gastroenterology. Macmillan Publ, New York l977, 2nd ed, p 148.
  32. Stave R, Brandtzaeg P. Immunohistochemical investigation of gastrin producing cells (G cells). Scand J Gastroent l978, 13, 199-203.
  33. Strickland RG, Mackay IR. A reappraisal of the nature and significance of chronic atrophic gastritis. Amer J Dig Dis l973, 18, 426-440.
  34. Szurszewski JH. Electrical basis for gastrointestinal motility. In: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Ed Johnson LR, Raven Press, New York l98l, Vol 2, pp 1435- 1466.
  35. Tanner NC. The surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. Brit J Surg l964, 51, 5-23.
  36. Torgersen J. The muscular build and movements of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Acta Rad l942, Suppl 45, l-191.
  37. Willis T. Opera omnia. Amstelaedami l682. Quoted by Cunningham (1906).

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