The Pyloric Sphincteric Cylinder in Health and Disease

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Chapter 16 (page 80)


  1. Alvarez WC, Mahoney LJ. Action currents in stomach and intestine. Amer J Physiol l922, 58, 476-493.
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  11. Duthie HL, Kwong NK, Brown BH, et al. Pacesetter potential of the human gastroduodenal junction. Gut l97l, 12, 250-256.
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  16. Kwong NK, Brown BH, Whittaker GE, et al. Electrical activity of the gastric antrum in man. Brit J Surg l970, 57, 913-916.
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  19. Smout AJPM, van der Schee ET, Grashuis JL. The electrogastrogram and what it shows. Dig Dis Sci l980, 25, l79-l87.
  20. Stoddard CJ, Smallwood RH, Duthie HL. Electrical arrhythmias in the human stomach. Gut l98l, 22, 705-712.
  21. Szurszewski JH. Electrical basis for gastrointestinal motility. In: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Vol 2, edit Johnson LR. Raven Press, New York l98l, pp 1435-1466.
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  23. You CH, Lee KY, Chey WY, et al. In vitro myoelectric study of antral muscle from patients with tachygastria. Dig Dis Sci l980, 25, A17.
  24. You CH, Chey WY. Study of electromechanical activity of the stomach in humans and dogs with particular attention to tachygastria. Gastroenterology l984, 86, 1460-1468.

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