The Pyloric Sphincteric Cylinder in Health and Disease

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Chapter 13 (page 66)


  1. Brooks FP, Stevens LW, Pendergrass EP, et al. Experimental studies on the motility of the gastric mucosa in dogs. Amer J Roentg Rad Ther Nucl Med l948, 59, 482-491.
  2. Carlson HC, Code CF, Nelson RA. Motor action of the canine gastroduodenal junction: a cineradiographic, pressure and electric study. Amer J Dig Dis l966, 11, 155-172.
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  15. Forssell G. Studies of the mechanism of movement of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Amer J Roentg Rad Ther l923, 10, 87-104.
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  17. Foulk WT, Code CF, Morlock CG, et al. A study of the motility patterns and the basic rhythm in the duodenum and upper part of the jejunum in human beings. Gastroenterology l954, 26, 601-611.
  18. Friedman G, Wolf BS, Waye JD, et al. Correlation of cineradiographic and intraluminal pressure changes in the human duodenum: an analysis of the functional significance of monophasic waves. Gastroenterology l965, 49, 37-49.
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  22. Keet AD. The Diagnosis of Gastric Mucosal Prolapse. Thesis, University of Amsterdam l952, p 63.
  23. Keet AD. The prepyloric contractions in the normal stomach. Acta Rad l957, 48, 413-424.
  24. Keet AD. Diameter of the pyloric aperture in relation to the contraction of the canalis egestorius. Acta Rad l962, 57, 31-44.
  25. Keet AD. An anatomico-physiological principle governing the direction of the gastro-intestinal mucosal folds during life. South Afr Med J l974, 4, 441-448.
  26. Keet AD, Vermaak JC, Mouton J. Intraluminal pressure profiles and mucosal movements in the stomach and duodenum. Amer J Gastroenterol l978, 69, 144-148.
  27. Keet AD, Heydenrych JJ. The anatomy and movements of the pyloric sphincteric cylinder. South Afr Med J l982, 62, 15-18.
  28. Kelly KA, Code CF. Canine gastric pacemaker. Amer J Physiol l97l, 220, 112-118.
  29. Kelly KA. Motility of the stomach and gastroduodenal junction. In: Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract, edit Johnson LR. Raven Press, New York l98l, pp 393-410.
  30. Keinke O, Ehrlein HJ. Effect of oleic acid on canine gastroduodenal motility, pyloric diameter and gastric emptying. Quart J Exper Physiol l983, 68, 675-686.
  31. Keinke O, Schemann M, Ehrlein HJ. Mechanical factors regulating gastric emptying of viscous nutrient meals in dogs. Quart J Exper Physiol l984, 69, 781-795.
  32. Koch KL, Stewart WR, Stern RM. Effect of barium meals on gastric electromechanical activity in man. Dig Dis Sci l987, 32, 1217-1222.
  33. Kwong NK, Brown BH, Whittaker GE, et al. Electrical activity of the gastric antrum in man. Brit J Surg l970, 57, 913-916.
  34. Lind JF, Duthie HL, Schlegel JF, et al. Motility of the gastric fundus. Amer J Physiol l961, 201, 197-202.
  35. Pröve J, Ehrlein HJ. Motor function of gastric antrum and pylorus for evacuation of low and high viscosity meals in dogs. Gut l982, 23, 150-156.
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  39. Sloan RD. The mucosal pattern of the mesenteric small intestine: an anatomic study. Amer J Roentg Rad Ther Nucl Med l957, 77, 651-669.
  40. Smith AWM, Code CF, Schlegel JF. Simultaneous cineradiographic and kymographic studies of human gastric antral motility. J Appl Physiol l957, 11, 12-16.
  41. Texter EC. Pressure and transit in the small intestine. Amer J Dig Dis l968, 13, 443-454.
  42. Torgersen J. The muscular build and movements of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Acta Rad l942, Suppl 45, 1-191.
  43. Vantrappen G, Hellemans J, Vanderbroucke J. A method for analysis of intestinal motility records. Amer J Dig Dis l965, 10, 449-453.
  44. Weber J, Kohatsu S. Pacemaker localization and electrical conduction patterns in the canine stomach. Gastroenterology l970, 59, 717-726.
  45. Williams I. Closure of the pylorus. Brit J Rad l962, 35, 653-670.

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